Thursday, 1 October 2009

20 years of mayhem

Last Saturday, I enjoyed my 20th birthday of being in Bradford - a city which I adore. The party we held in the Treehouse included an exhibition of T-Shirts spanning the twenty years - some political, some musical. As the heat of bodies mixed with the exhibition, latent sweat began to rise until I personally found the room unbearable. Some women though found it intoxicating, and one of them ran off with my union president T-shirt of 1994. She was very drunk, and later threw up spectacularly over her memento. I'm not sure what all of this means - but it was a bloody good party!

Free Burma Now!

Well, we managed to occupy a Total Garage Forecourt for 64 minutes yesterday. A record for our forecourt actions. More importantly, it gave a real boost to the Burma Campaign in London, and the local press covered it really well. A small bit of direct action can have a large impact. Until companies such as Total refuse to do business with the Burmese government - they will not have to worry about whether to release political prisoners such as AungSan Suu Kyi. And until we refuse to fill up from Total petrol stations, nothing will change.